Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dr. Robert Marzano's study of ActivClassrooms

From the Promethean Planet blog:

The Marzano Research Laboratory has been conducting studies of Education Technology and in particular, the Promethean Activclassroom. At the recent CUE conference in Palm Springs, Dr Marzano presented a keynote where he discussed some of his inital findings.

In this great review of the presentation not only do they outline the learning gains they found where Promethean technology was being used, they also unpick a number of the key ideas that really get to the heart of what is needed to make technology work in classrooms.

1 comment:

Donna Criswell said...

Hi - I'm a Promethean Train-the Trainer and DEN Star/LC! Out district actually participated in the Marzano research.. really great stuff, isn't it!!??

Promethean Planet


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