Friday, April 10, 2009

Resume blogging...

I apologize for not updating for more than a week. Too many exciting things are happening around me and I am taking it one step at a time.

I'm done with my DC CAS Alt Portfolios finally! Will have it picked up by UPS on Tuesday.

I'm going to finalize the drafts and finish my National Board entry today, box it and ship it before the day ends. But it's a holiday today, I wonder if FedEx is open for business...

I am a person who makes things happen. I have some excellent ideas and I am getting great support. There is no better time to start taking positive action than right now. I researched and I have confidence in my preparations. Experience has made me tough to do the big things in life like taking risks, admitting mistakes, and changing bad habits. I'm ready for some more action!

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Promethean Planet


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