Friday, September 03, 2010

Ready? One...two...

I was on my way out my school building after work when my co-teacher called "Maria! You're on the DCPS website!!" I replied, "yea, that was last summer about our new DCPS-WTU teachers' contract". She said "No, you are with another student, about another thing"...great thing about great teachers!

I barely remember when this photo op was. I recall sometime before the end of last school year when a gentleman from the central office made an unannounced visit to my classroom, introduced himself to me and to my students, and let us know he was going to take pictures. With no hesitation, we unanimously told him that it was perfectly okay, then we went on with a lesson on measures of central tendency as written in the agenda. My kiddos actively participated as usual, photo op was a great experience for my students!!!

I'm sure the two boys will be thrilled to see themselves on the school district's website. I'm glad I taught them to always be themselves, and to always be ready and prepared for anything. You never know when you will be given a chance to demonstrate what you got...

July 2010

September 2010

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