Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For this New Year, I believe...

For this New Year:

I believe that each individual has the power to change the world, that every Action we take can ripple out farther than we realize. I believe that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. I believe that compassion is stronger than hatred. I believe that knowledge is stronger than ignorance, that understanding is stronger than fear. I believe that it is possible to see through another's eyes if you try. I believe that each of us is connected by our shared humanity that our similarities are more important than our differences. I believe that all individuals have a right to dignity and respect. I believe that Hope is stronger than despair. I believe that every act of random kindness makes this world a better place. I believe that while government make treaties individuals can make Peace. I believe that it is possible to change the path you are traveling. I believe that every individual must make a conscious effort to make peace. I believe that you have to lead by example. I believe that Peace Will Prevail. I believe that together we can Heal the Heart of Humanity.

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Promethean Planet


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