Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Special Education Infographic

If you are a special educator, paraprofessional, or a parent working with a kid with special needs, here's a detailed infographic about special education which you may find useful from USC Rossier Online.
"Although special education began in the 1950s as a movement to win individuals with disabilities a free and quality education, it has today come to embrace the ideal of inclusion, with many students with disabilities being taught in general classrooms alongside their non-disabled peers. Thus, as fully inclusive classrooms become more of a reality, all prospective teachers can benefit from a better understanding of the basics of special education. The number of students receiving special education services is also steadily on the rise, so now is certainly the time to start learning more about the field."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great infographic! I received my undergraduate degree in elementary and special education and I am so glad I did that. Not only did the program prepare me to teach in a general education classroom it also gave me the knowledge and tools that I will need to teach the students in my class that have disabilities. I think it is very important that all teachers have a basic knowledge of special education because, as the infographic stated, inclusive practices are on the rise as well as the number of students receiving special education services.

Promethean Planet


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