Thursday, April 07, 2005


* I just felt like writing a cute baby bear story. I thought of making a secondary character from a popular story the primary character here. Guess who?
After a long nap, Baby Bear decided to go to the nearby lake to practice his hunting skills that Papa Bear was teaching him everyday. On his way, he passed by the forest.

“I bet Papa will be proud of me if I bring home something, I’m going to do it by myself this time”, he said to himself smilingly.

Baby Bear walked through the forest. It was a perfect afternoon to walk. The bright sun was peeking through the thick green leaves of the old trees. The crickets and cicadas were humming all sounding like music to his ears.

Then, something moved in the bushes.

Baby Bear became excited, and yet scared. “Uh-oh, I hope this one is not bigger than I am”. He sat there quietly.

It was already sunset. It was getting dark. Baby Bear was having a hard time trying to figure out what was behind the bushes. Baby Bear was slowly moving back. The shadow behind the bushes was slowly coming to him…the shadow was coming closer…and closer…

The shadow was stretching out its arm, trying to give baby Bear something –

“Hey! I know that spoon…that is mine!”

A girl with golden hair popped out and said, “I’m sorry, I was in a hurry to leave your house this morning. I made your parents very upset. Here is your spoon”.

Baby Bear took the spoon. The little girl apologized for the mess she made this morning in Baby Bear’s house, and disappeared into the bushes.

Baby Bear decided to go home. It was almost sundown. He had nothing to show Papa Bear and Mama Bear for dinner but he had some story to tell.

* Reiner, later, wrote his own BEAR-CUB SORY.

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