Wednesday, October 19, 2005

AUTISM: Scientists reject link between vaccine, autism

From the CEC Smart Brief:

A survey of 31 measles, mumps and rubella vaccine studies from around the world by the renowned Cochrane Library has found no link between the vaccine and disorders such as autism. A now-discredited 1998 study in the British medical journal The Lancet that suggested a causal connection between MMR and autism has lowered the percentage of youngsters getting shots to worrisome levels in some parts of Britain. The Times (London) (10/19)

Mother of a boy with autism offers lessons to others:

Through workshops, her new publishing company and two books, Mary Donnet Johnson is sharing with other families the knowledge she gained as she successfully struggled to mainstream her son, who, as a toddler, developed autism. The Knoxville News-Sentinel (Tenn.) (free registration) (10/19)

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