Wednesday, July 19, 2006

More Teacher Bloggers' Books

I have three more books that I have to own and read this summer. David Warlick is coming out with these books, I just learned about this while surfing during my "playtime" here.

In the last five years, a new digital economy has risen, where creative information artisans from across the globe are producing media products and marketing them through a new digital bazaar. The challenge of professional educators is to answer the question, "What are the basic skills of this information driven age, and how do we teach them?

Weblogs are about reading and writing. Literacy is about reading and writing. Blogging equals literacy. How rarely does an aspect of how we live and work plug so perfectly into how we teach and learn? Reading this book will give teachers important clues not only in how to become a blogger and to make their students bloggers, but also how this new avenue of expression is revolutionizing the information environment that we live in.

Warlick presents a scenario for the future of information literacy, and it will be a whole (not necessarily brave) new world. Chapter one gives a vivid fictional picture of a day in a future middle school in which learning and literacy occur through technologies such as interactive portable slates, and human interaction happens in configurations so flexible and fluid as to be impossible in traditional schools.

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