Monday, December 24, 2007

Calvin Coolidge Senior Highschool DCPS

At Calvin Coolidge Senior High School, there is a fierce struggle going on every day to overcome years of dysfunction and decline. But despite a new spirit of reform in the air, it remains to be seen whether D.C. schools can make improvements that will last. The Washington Post

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Lessons in Reality
Young idealists arrive to teach at Washington's Coolidge High. And learn how frustrating efforts at reform can be.

A hush came over the parents and visitors who filled the makeshift rows as Calvin Coolidge Senior High School Principal L. Nelson Burton took the podium. Along the wall, dozens grew still. Bright lights cast a sheen on the brand-new paint job, and the new hardwood floor gleamed with high polish.

There is a struggle going on at Coolidge, and at schools across Washington. A battle every day for the will to be something better against a mud-suck of chaos.

Both sides are powerful. Sometimes it's hard to say which is winning.
Sometimes it is frighteningly clear. The Washington Post

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