Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking Back...Looking Ahead 2009

It's time to change my desktop calendar. I love floral designs, isn't this a cute one?
It's time to reflect again, to look back and analyze what I have accomplished in the past year. What are the things that were effective and those that need to be adjusted? Being a classroom teacher is just one of the many roles that I play in life (I am also a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, etc) and in each of them I try my best to play my part well. It is easy for me to recall what I have done as an educator, thanks to my blogs (this sped blog and my class website), I can easily pull out the pages in my life as an educator in a click of the mouse.
It is New Year's Eve back home in the Philippines and I want to connect with my relatives and celebrate with them. So I will make my list short.
Here are the things that are effectively working every year that I will continue to do:
- Make MORE things happen, I am happy with what I have accomplished this past year but I am not yet satisfied. There are many things that still have to be done, and I will make them happen this coming year. I have this compelling and obsessive behavior to always produce more results in everything that I do.
- Persist EVEN MORE, press harder and faster! Even when my mind and body signal perfectly good reasons for giving up, I go on. I am very independent and self-reliant, and I have the resources that I need because I make the best from what I am given.
- STAY Tough. People who are close to me know that I am very tough inside. I need to be tough to be able to do the big things in life like taking risks, admitting mistakes; and to do the little things like biting my tongue, waiting my turn, and putting up with some people. I realized that I have to temper toughness with kindness; I realized that many times it is be tough to be kind. I have learned that good leadership is about good relationships. I can make more things happen and can produce more results when I have a good relationship with everyone.
These 3 things will guide me towards achieving my goals. :) Losing 30% of my weight is still one of my goals this coming year.

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