Thursday, January 17, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr: I Have A Dream video clip

Martin Luther King's speech "I Have A Dream"

Comment from a viewer: Dr. King was a man with a great dream. He had so much he wanted for his people. He reminds me of a modern day Moses. He went to the men of power and demanded that his people be granted there freedom. I think every one not only blacks but every one should see this and listen to his words and his message of hope. We need to stop taking our liberties for granted. This man risked is life so that African Americans could have the rights and privelages they have today. I wish he could be here to see the changed he brought about. But now we need leaders to step up that will take this dream to it s full potential and send a message that African Americans will heed. I think that person is here and the change is on it s way.

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