Saturday, January 13, 2007

NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION: Enhancing Social Development: Entry 3

I just finished the second draft for my Entry 3 portfolio for my National Board Certification. Thanks to my coPinoy Teacher, Claire, for doing the editing of the content for me. My co-NBC candidates who are taking the NBC Prep course with me also went through some of my works earlier during our class at the George Washington University.This is what I was able to do so far, still on draft. "It's not yet over 'til the fat lady sings"...

- Written Commentary (13 pages) that provides a context of my instructional choices and describes, analyzes, and reflects on how I design and implement meaningful instruction in social development that facilitates the student's participation in the group and/or environment.

- Student profile (3 pages)
- Instructional Approach (5 pages)
- Analysis of Video recording (2 pages)
- Reflection (3 pages)

- One Video Recording (15 minutes) that shows me guiding the student's learning in the experiences that I have designed for her.

Here's some bits and pieces on my write-up:


I am presently teaching all subjects: Math (12 students), English (15 students), Reading (15 students), and Science (13 students), Social Studies (13 students) to a self contained class diagnosed with Emotional Disturbance (ED), Learning Disability (LD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and/or Mental Retardation (MR).

In this small group setting, I have been using behavior modification with positive reinforcement and...

C is a child who experience great difficulties...

Significant emotional problems have interfered...

During the early part of the school year, we met as a team ...

I found a very good reference for this portfolio entry online: Promoting Social SuccessA Curriculum for Children with Special NeedsBy Gary N. Siperstein, Ph.D., & Emily Paige Rickards, M.A.

This book has a lot of information on improving the social skills of students with mild to moderate disabilities and their peers. Field-tested with 400 elementary school students, this curriculum focuses on developing the cognitive skills behind appropriate social behavior rather than teaching children a set of specific behaviors to enact. Along with a thorough overview, teachers will get 66 activity-based lessons on social skills, organized around topics that build on each other. Students will learn to:
- assess their own emotional states and develop new coping mechanisms
- identify and interpret social cues and other interpersonal dynamics
- set appropriate social goals, generate problem-solving strategies, and think about the consequences of their actions
- consider characteristics of good friendships and explore ways to improve their relationships

Take it away from colleagues...

*** Please see the right sidebar here for more of my National Board Certification candidacy chronicles

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