Thursday, July 12, 2007

Presentation of Materials, Special Education

- Modify expectations based on students needs.
- Break assignments into segments of shorter tasks.
- Give alternative assignments rather than long written assignments.
- Provide a model of end product.
- Provide written and verbal direction with visuals if possible.
- Break long assignments into small sequential steps, monitoring each step.
- Highlight to alert student attention to key points within the written direction of the assignment..
- Check that all homework assignments are written correctly in some kind of an agenda/homework book.

- Sign it and have parents sign it as well.
- Number and sequence steps in a task.
- Provide outlines, study guides, copies of overhead notes.
- Explain learning expectations to the student before beginning a lesson.
- Make sure you have the students attention before beginning a lesson.
- Allow for student to use tape recorders, computers, calculators and dictation to obtain and retain assignment success.
- Allow oral administration of test.
Limit the number of concepts presented at one time.
Provide incentives for beginning and completing material.

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